CoolSculpting in Houston

Many people diet and exercise but still have stubborn pockets of fat that keep them from having the body they are working so hard to achieve.  Fat reduction surgery helps, but it is invasive, involves general anesthesia and discomfort, and has a lengthy recovery process typical of surgery.

CoolSculpting treatments in Houston have become one of the most popular ways to eliminate these last few inches without the downtime of surgery.  Schedule an appointment and our experienced team will consult with you to determine the right treatment approach.

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Houston Coolsculpting Certified Practice

What is CoolSculpting?

In 1970, Dr. Ervin Epstein and Dr. Mark Oren were the first to describe "popsicle panniculitis," whereby toddlers who ate a cold popsicle would get a dimple in their cheeks from the fat cells being destroyed.  Years later, two other doctors from Harvard, Dr. Rox Anderson and Dr. Dieter Manstein, used this knowledge to develop the first Cool Sculpting device, which uses the concept of "cryolipolysis" to destroy fat by freezing it.

The Cool Sculpting technology uses a very controlled cooling mechanism to target and kill fat cells.  Following treatment, the body naturally processes the fat and eliminates the dead cells.  The eliminated cells are gone permanently, and as a result, Cool Sculpting results are long-lasting.  The results are natural with minimal downtime and discomfort and high patient satisfaction.

Common Areas Treated with CoolSculpting

  • flanks (love handles),

  • abdomen (muffin top),

  • upper back (bra rolls),

  • thighs

  • lower back.  

Before & After Photos of Coolsculpting

Real examples of our Coolsculpting from our Houston practice.

Coolsculpting on lower back, flanks, love handles before and after photos

What to Expect

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of the Coolsculpting procedure:

  1. Before treatment, pictures will be taken of the treated area to be kept in your patient record.  

  2. After you and the treatment team select the area(s) to be treated, the device is positioned on the body and the controlled cooling is applied.  

  3. A gel pad and applicator area applied to the the targeted area, and vacuum applicators draw the tissue into the applicator cup.  

  4. Applicators are secured to the treatment area so that they can deliver controlled cooling to the targeted fat.  

  5. Controlled cooling is delivered via an applicator that is attached to your skin to freeze the targeted fat. The Cool Sculpting procedure is, well, cold as the name would imply.

  6. During the first 5 to 10 minutes, patients typically experience very intense cold.  

  7. However, as the area begins to numb, this intense cold feeling subsides.  You may also feel some pulling, tugging, or mild pinching.

  8. Once the treatment has begun, you just need to sit back, relax, and start saying your goodbyes to your fat.  Many patients read, nap, or use an iPad to pass the time.  

  9. Each treatment area takes one hour, so treatment times vary from 1 to 4 hours per session.  

Side-Effects from Coolsculpting

You can expect none or some of the following symptoms immediately after the procedure. These symptoms may persist for up to several weeks. Most patients have very mild symptoms but, as with any medical procedure, each patient experiences it uniquely.

Symptoms always subside over time and have NO long lasting complications.

  • The treated area may be red for up to a few hours after the applicator is removed. This is an expected but temporary effect.  Bruising, swelling and tenderness can occur in the treated area. This typically resolves within a week or two.

  • Nausea, tingling, stinging and cramping in the treatment area are possible on treatment day.

  • You may feel a temporary dulling of sensation or itching sensitivity in the treated area.

  • Numbness at the site is common, resolving over 1-3 weeks.

  • There typically is minimal recovery time after CoolSculpting. You will be able to return to your normal daily routine immediately after the procedure.

  • It is common for the treated area to feel bloated and to look swollen for the first three weeks after CoolSculpting. Compression tights such as yoga pants or Spanx may feel good to wear during this period.

  • You may experience a temporary dulling of sensation or itching/tingling/off sensation that can last for several weeks.

  • 4 to 10 days post Coolsculpting you may notice more intense sensations than during the first few days. This is due to the inflammatory response your body naturally mounts to remove the dead fat cells. For most patients the symptoms are mild to moderate and often are more apparent when trying to sleep. If you are having difficulty sleeping please notify the office and prescription medications may be helpful.

You may experience:

  • deep itching

  • tingling

  • numbness, soreness, or tenderness to the touch

  • pain or aching in the treated area

  • cramping or muscle spasms

  • diarrhea

Please notify the office if these conditions persist beyond two weeks.

Please notify your provider if your symptoms are severe or are interfering with your ability to perform activities or sleep.

When Do I Expect to See Results?

Following the procedure, a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer will take place. You may start to see changes as early as three weeks after CoolSculpting and you will experience the most dramatic results after two to three months. Your body will continue to process the injured fat cells from your body for approximately four months after your procedure. 

How Do I Maximize My Treatment Results?

Weight gain will prevent you from appreciating your full results. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine after your procedure can help prevent this. Just like liposuction, Coolsculpting kills and eliminates fat cells from the treated area. If you are eating more calories than you are burning off through normal activity and exercise, the extra calories will be stored as fat in other locations in your body. This is the perfect time to evaluate your eating and exercise habits and to make changes if merited to optimize your result.

Avoid the use of anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen and Celebrex for six weeks after the treatment. The inflammatory response in your body is the mechanism which removes the fat cells and inhibiting the body’s ability to mount a response may slow the progress of your result following Coolsculpting.

Schedule a follow-up medical assessment to review your clinical results and discuss the option of additional treatments to achieve desired outcome for this treatment site and other treatment sites.

Coolsculpting Science

Freezing fat comes down to science. Fat cells are more vulnerable to cold than surrounding tissues so the lipid cells crystalize at a warmer temperature than water and other cell types. This process is called cyrolysis and effectively targets fat cells underneath the skin in the selected areas. After treatment, the body will naturally eliminate the fat cells in one to three months. This results in up to a 20% reduction of fat mass. 

Coolsculpting Elite

Sit back and relax and wave goodbye to your stubborn fat. During the procedure you may choose to read, check out social media and email on a smartphone, or even take a nap. We follow Coolsculpting Elite protocols. Treatment times are quick, varying up to 45 minutes depending on the applicator used and the area(s) being treated. 

CoolSculpting FAQ

Why Choose Village Dermatology for your Coolsculpting Elite Treatment?

  • We have done many treatments since 2017

  • The treatments are performed by our experienced aestheticians overseen by our MDs

Who is not a candidate for cyrolysis?

Patients with cold related conditions such as cryoglobulinemia, cold urticaria, and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria should not be treated. Also patients with poor skin tone or loose skin or hernias may not be good candidates

Does cryolysis require anesthesia?

No anesthesia is needed

What are the risks of cryolysis?

The complications are minimal and the satisfaction is high. There is a risk of surface irregularities and asymmetry. Rarely 1% of patients get paradoxical fat hyperplasia which is an unexpected increase in the number of fat cells. 

There are no activity restrictions once the procedure is completed. Some patients feel sore as if they had worked out. Very rarely there is pain for which the MD may provide some medication

What are the results of cryolysis?

The injured fat cells are gradually eliminated from the body over four to six months. This this time period then fatty bulge decreases in size. 

What should I expect during a consultation ?

We will discuss your goals, medical conditions, drug allergies. We will evaluate your general health status and risk factors and then discuss all non-surgical fat reduction options. Then we will recommend a course of treatment